- 三角格子を持つ分子性導体b'-(Me4-xEtxZ)[Pd(dmit)2]2の極低温結晶構造とバンドパラメータ
- 超高圧下における単一成分分子性結晶[Ni(ddds)2] (ddds = 5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-diselenolate )の構造相転移および伝導性
- (Cation)[Pt(dmit)2]2の量子液体相の磁場に依存する状態密度
- 非対称ドナーが構築するBilayerタイプ分子性導体の合成と電子物性
- 電子スピン共鳴によるλ-(BETS)2FeCl4の反強磁性絶縁体相の研究
- 有機モット絶縁体における非フェルミ液体的挙動とそのドーピング非対称性
- 有機モット絶縁体の電界/歪み同時制御による超伝導相の探索
- 分子性導体EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2に対する異方的圧力効果と電界効果測定
- イオン源を用いたホウ素・窒素注入によるダイヤモンド電気伝導の制御
- タイプIIディラク電子化合物NixTe2(x = 1.17)の核磁気緩和
- Low Temperature Crystal Structures and Band
Parameters in b'-(Me4-xEtxZ)[Pd(dmit)2]2
- Structure Phase Transition and Electrical
Properties of a Single-component Molecular Crystal [Ni(ddds)2] (ddds
= 5,6-dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-diselenolate) under High Pressure
- Nuclear
Spin-spin Relaxation of 13C in (Cation)[Pt(dmit)2]2
- Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Bilayer
Type Molecular Conductors Based on Asymmetrical Donor Molecules
- Antiferromagnetic Insulating Phase of l-(BETS)2FeCl4 Studied
by Electron Spin Resonance
- Non-Fermi-liquid Behavior and their Doping Asymmetry
in an Organic Mott Electric-double-layer Transistor
- Investigation of Superconducting Phase Diagram of an Organic Mott Insulator Using Simultaneous
Control of Electric Field and Strain
- Anisotropic Pressure and Career Doping
Effect for Molecular Conductor EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2
- Control of Electronic Properties of
Diamond by Boron/Nitrogen Injection Using High Energy Ion Source
- Nuclear Relaxations of Type-II Dirac Electronic System
NixTe2 (x = 1.17)
