Yoshiaki SATO
Postdoctoral Researcher |

March 2008 |
Bachelor of Science, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
March 2010 |
Master of Science, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
March 2013 |
Ph. D in Science, Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Supervisor: Prof. Toshiaki Enoki / Prof. Manabu Kiguchi)
Doctoral Thesis "An Electron Transport Study on Field-Controllable Host-Guest Systems at Graphene/Adsorbed Oxygen Two-dimensional Interface"

April 2013 |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Condensed Molecular Materials Laboratory, RIKEN |

- Y. Sato, Y. Kawasugi, M. Suda, H. M. Yamamoto, and R. Kato
Critical Behavior in Doping-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition on Single-Crystalline Organic Mott-FET
Nano Lett., 17, 708-714 (2017).
- Y. Kawasugi, K. Seki, Y. Edagawa, Y. Sato, J. Pu, T. Takenobu, S. Yunoki, H. M. Yamamoto, and R. Kato
Simultaneous Enhancement of Conductivity and Seebeck Coefficient in an Organic Mott Transistor
Appl. Phys. Lett., 109, 233301/1-4 (2016).
- Y. Kawasugi, K. Seki, Y. Edagawa, Y. Sato, J. Pu, T. Takenobu, S. Yunoki, H. M. Yamamoto, and R. Kato
Electron-Hole Doping Asymmetry of Fermi Surface Reconstructed in a Simple Mott Insulator
Nat. Commun. 7, 12356/1-8 (2016).
- Y. Sato, K. Takai, and T. Enoki
Electrically Controlled Adsorption of Oxygen in Bilayer Graphene Devices
Nano Letters 11(8), 3468-3475 (2011).
Highlighted in nanotechweb.org

- 3rd Japan-France Advanced School on Chemistry and Physics of Molecular Materials, Oct 2009, @Rennes, France
Y. Sato, K. Takai, and T. Enoki
The Effect of Oxygen Adsorption on the Electronic Properties of Graphene

March 2008 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology Academic Excellence Awards (2008) |
CMM Member
